Thursday, December 1, 2016

Generation Good & Coffee&Chocolate Party!!

I had the chance to host a Generation Good party and combined it with a House Party that involved Starbucks and Lindt chocolate!! It was a fun night making coffee and hot chocolate, eating different types of Lindt goodies, and then playing bingo and winning prizes from Seventh Generation, Bobble, & Annies! It's always nice being able to fellowship with friends and just be able to relax a little!!

Goody bags provided from Seventh Generation and filled with samples and coupons!

Fun in the kitchen making coffee! Peppermint Mocha Lattes, Caramel coffee and hot chocolate! 5 different types of Lindt chocolates, and some cheese & crackers, fresh fruit, and shortbread cookies!

Then we watched a short video about Seventh Generation's quest to change the law on putting an ingredient list on household cleaners and played a fun little bingo game that gave us some healthy home tips about everyday things. Thanks to Seventh Generation for supplying awesome free prizes for the night! The ladies went home with some fun items!

*I received free supplies from HouseParty and Generation Good to host the parties, but the fun and opinions were all my own!!